Kintsugi gold joinery, is the Japanese art of repairing chipped, cracked, and broken, mostly ceramic and porcelain tableware, using only 100% natural materials including urushi lacquer and finishing with 24K gold powder. While the intention of Western styles of repair are to mimic the original state and make the repaired item look as though it was never damaged, kintsugi highlights the breakages and celebrates the unique story of the wares that make our house a home.
Join us over tea and sweets and we will dive into the historical, cultural and environmental context behind kintsugi-repair.

Classes in kyoto
Kintsugi Class - The Rehearsal (1h)
Kintsugi Class - The Scene (2h)
Kintsugi Class - The Act (2 sessions)
Kintsugi Class - The Full Show (8 sessions)
self-paced classes
Kintsugi Master Class #1 Chipped
Kintsugi Master Class #2 Broken
Kintsugi Master Class #3 Missing Fragment
Kintsugi Master Class #4 Crack
POJ Studio’s two-month intensive program. Study to practice and share the craft of kintsugi-repair with the world, through our 150-hour apprenticeship in Kyoto.
As a graduate, you will become create a strong foundation as an educator and ambassador to foster the kintsugi practice in your community. The Kintsugi Apprentice Program ensures that you are armed with the logic, philosophy, traditional tools, natural materials, and historical and cultural context that are at the heart of the authentic Japanese tableware restoration technique.

Which In-Studio Kintsugi Class Suits Me Best?
Sometimes there is nothing better than in-real-life learning. If you have the opportunity to visit Kyoto, we offer several in-studio kintsugi class options. However, particularly for first timers, it may be difficult to determine which class suits your current needs best.
Gold is Nothing but Jewelry
Gold is perhaps the most spotlighted ingredient of kintsugi-repair. And justly so. Kintsugi, literally translates to gold joinery. And thus often believed to be metalwork. So many are surprised to learn that gold is not necessary in the repair process whatsoever. It is nothing but jewelry, bedazzling the full repair beneath the surface.
What is Kintsugi?
While the intention of Western styles of repair are to mimic the original state and make the repaired item look as though it was never damaged, kintsugi highlights the breakages and celebrates the unique story of the wares that make our house a home.
Am I Allergic to Urushi?
Urushi, the sap of the urushi tree, is the base material of authentic kintsugi-repair using all natural ingredients. It is what makes this tableware restoration technique antipest, antiviral, antibacterial, and so durable. Not to mention, 100% food safe.
Tips to Achieve the Sleekest Gold Finish
It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that gold is synonymous with kintsugi. At least in the perception of most. After all, the repair technique is called kintsugi. Kin = gold, tsugi = joinery. While gold is nothing but jewelry or decoration over the real work underneath, broken pieces are restored in thanks to the ultimate secret ingredient, urushi tree sap.