The Tsuchiya School Bag For Grown Ups
Tsuchiya has been making Japanese school bags, randoseru, since 1965 and the way they make them hasn’t changed since. Every single bag is handcrafted and made to last. Now they are offering a version for adults.

AUTHORTina Koyama
Published February 10th 2018 on the former blog
In Japan it is still quite common to wear uniforms to school. Just like the uniform the school bag is usually a specific type called “Randoseru”. Until recently it was the norm for all boys to have a randoseru in black and for girls in red.
My mother had a yellow bag which sadly ended up being one of the reasons the kids would bully her. Thankfully we live in a time where it’s more accepted to break the norm and you can see the many colors available on their site.
Tsuchiya has been making randoseru’s since 1965 and the way they make them hasn’t changed since. Every single bag is handcrafted and made to last which Tsuchiya insures by promising 6 years of free support meaning that if anything happens they will take it back for craftsmen to fix.
A few years ago they started making an adult version of the randoseru which I’ve been eyeing for a while. They only make a certain amount every year but as you can see on the video below, they are impeccably made. You can watch more videos of how they make them on their site.
AUTHORTina Koyama